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MalCaor (mal_caor) MalCaor (mal_caor)

"First fanart from a mostly lurking fan, thank you for your videos and amazing streams Joe.
Anyway, time for some propaganda... Vote Evangelion for the most FEARED marble NOW! (and anticipated too, if you wish)
All memes aside, actually not a bad first anime, it’s relatively short, good from start to finish (End of Eva might be one of the best animated movies ever made), and a great segue into other shows.
Streaming it however… Well, it’s not feared for nothing."

Ooooooooo I love this one but I can't gush on a short schedule so let me say art is great, I love the linework a LOT.
This was originally intended to be a black and white piece, but it was switched to colour! And I'm glad it was.

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Emmi (voltivemmi_9307) Emmi (voltivemmi_9307)

"Chan of the year has some great nominees this year, with Trolley-chan and Piss-chan as the powerhouses of the vote. Propaganda for Anne, propaganda for Carpenter Bee-chan... but Fia-chan is TOO BUSY to promote herself, with too much optional content with meager rewards, yet she still soldiers on. If she can't promote on her own, I'll just have to propaganda for her.


Do it for her, chat.

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

TC Agam (picciz) TC Agam (picciz)

"We interrupt your regularly scheduled propa-chan-da for... what started as posing and composition practice for me before the awards were announced and I made some hasty edits"

This is soooooo fucking good, the pose is really on brand, the framing is so cool, the- Oh we're short on time? Like 60 fanart or more? Sorry. Great art!

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Meesk (meeskify) Meesk (meeskify)

"i come bearing propaganda for the worst game on the most anticipated list. however I unfortunately do enjoy a kingdom hearts so presenting: joe sora. jora, if you will."

Bold move for the kingdom hearts fans, let's see if it pays off

Oh that's the ONLY KH propaganda, incredible I'll just assume that's why everyone votes it.
Next up for anticipated games is....

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Adros (adros_88948) Adros (adros_88948)

"Shameless propag... I mean new fanart!"

Hey! Wait a second, we can't announce that yet! We have more chans to talk about!

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Maddi (maddisonbaek) Maddi (maddisonbaek)

"Joeruspex propaganda"

I'm weak to the expressions maddi draws. They're good. Immaculate.

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

(Krakonis) (Krakonis)

"A bit of quick propaganda for the soul. Vote SPY X FAMILY for most anticipated anime! Strictly for the purpose of good vibes."

I am spreading propaganda oomfie

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

(Bulder) (Bulder)

"Come save your clips, as Trolley-chan flips
By name I will summon her
From the noise of the streets, the Chat never sleeps
It's a Dark O-Chan Summoning

[the jphGeno emote by Maddison Baek]"

Ok I secretly love the effect when transparent art gets added to the Gallery. looks cool.

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Maddi (maddisonbaek) Maddi (maddisonbaek)

"Joeruspex propaganda once again. But this time, it's more dramatic."

And as the pathologic propaganda ends, so does the game propaganda... But the chanaganda begins...
What do you mean chans were featured before in this showcase?

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

(Krakonis) (Krakonis)

"Propaganda for the one true BOAT, bomb chan!

She's the only one of the chans who canonically has experience as a sailor, and was a main character in the voting game. What's not to love???

I tried to do it in black and white, like the comics marik did in the voting game, to honor tradition."

Who then? Who will join the boat? What will the view look like? Let's take a look...

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)